Sleep helps you recover, improve memory, and conserve energy. Are you getting enough sleep?. It is our number one health problem in America 3 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea. 95% of these are undiagnosed and untreated. Sleep disorders cost our country's $16 billion.
Loss of productivity and accidents caused another hundred $50 billion. Half of Americans have trouble sleeping. Our changing lifestyles increased work Ambien financial pressures, and stressed-out aging population Paul had increased the sleep disorders to more than 100 million Americans.
Our primitive ancestors slept at night to avoid the dangers of wandering around in the dark, allowed them to recuperate for tea, and conserve energy for daytime survival. They found safe ground, I down, turned off their minds, rested up, and are ready to hunt at daybreak. Dreams were thought to be messages sent to the sleeper from Gods.
Sleep results in dramatic measurable changes in electrical and chemical activity of the brain. As we sleep, changes occur in brain waves muscle activity, arm movement, body temperature, respiration, heart rate, and hormonal activity. Your brain activity traps only 10% when you sleep. The sleeping brain is often more active than the awake brain area must regulate immune functions to energize the body store and reorganize and eventually retrieved information already in the brain.
The sleeping brain has low-frequency high amplitude brain waves. When you are awake, your beta waves indicate wakefulness. Ready for sleep, you soon shut your eyes and your brain waves become slower and frequency higher and voltage and more regular now for waves appear at 8 to 12 cps. Your breathing starts slowing, your heart rate is lower, and your breathing becomes shallow and irregular.
The first stage of sleep last 10 to 20 minutes where you become deaf to outside stimulation. After 30 minutes you and your stage III sleep which is a combination otheta and Delta brain waves
The deepest phase of sleep stage IV, you have only dealt the waves at all .5 cps with an amplitude of 100 micro holes. In this stage, muscle relaxation is complete, and blood pressure drops. It is difficult for you to be aroused from delta sleep. The blood supply to the muscles is increased in the delta of sleep.
At this time interleukin and tumor factors in the immune system modulator is increased. 1 1/2 hours after you fall asleep you step back into the twilight sleep. Blood flow to the brain increases, your body temperature rises, you have any erection, your closed eyes begin to dart back and forth. Despite not being awake, you develop a rapid eye movements. This is known as rem sleep. This stage of sleep last about 10 minutes. During rem sleep you typically have penile erections, where blood is sent back into the penis, to help maintain sexual functioning when the weekend. If you have REM erections, you can rule out physiological causes for impotence.
During rem sleep dreams are more vivid and emotional. When your sleep is disrupted, the brain has difficulty transferring short-term memory into long-term memory. You cannot learn new things during sleep.
However rem is sleep brain activity helps file important memories of the previous day into long-term storage. At this stage we often solve problems and our dreams. It may be the most creative thinking during this stage of sleep. In rem sleep, there is easy access to memory and emotions. This results often and novel ideas and solutions since your thoughts and images are free to wander and not be distracted by the environment.
The nightly sleep cycle repeats every 90 minutes until you wake up. Usually resulting in 4 to 5 cycles before morning. If you sleep eight hours, you may have four or fiverem. It's each nigh
Your biological clock is affected by exposure to light. With daylight signals, the secretion of melatonin, a hormone that induces sleep, stop secreting. Your biological clock function is scheduled close to 25 hours in length and has since, you go to sleep one hour later each night.
A well rested person takes 15 to 20 minutes to fall asleep. If you fall asleep instantly, you have a serious sign of sleep deprivation. Half of the adult population has sleep deprivation. We really don't value sleep and its power to help us toacheive peak performances. Our natural need for sleep may be as much as 10 hours. We are becoming a nation of wandering zombies. 40 million of us suffer from chronic sleep disorders, and another 30 million have intermittent sleep related problems.
Sleep deprivation makes us drowsy during the daytime moody with depression and irritability, loss of coping skills under stress and anxiety, lack of interest in socializing with others, weight gain, reduced immunity to disease, feeling lethargic, and reduced productivity.
Changes that occur in your cortex when you sleep. The neurons in the brain stem that keep it activated stopped firing. The brainstem has been disconnected from the cortex from its sensory input and there is a shift in electrical activity in the cortex. Upon falling to sleep, or cortex has slow waves punctuated by a rat to die movements that become more frequent and longer toward early morning.
If you want to stay trim, make sure you get plenty of sleep.. Men who sleep less than eight hours taking 22% more calories per day. They ate more breakfast and dinner but not lunch.
The average calorie increase was 560. People eat more after a short sleep because as we evolved we stored up calories in the summer when knights were short and food is plentiful. Sleep is not just losing time, it helps us recover, improves our memory, conserves energy and so forth.
SOURCE: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, online March 31, 2010.
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